The third edition of Panettone Maximo has just ended. One of our acquaintances triumphed: Michele Bonfitto, of Le Cattive Compagnie. The pastry shop of Santa Severa was the protagonist, on an equal footing with the Barberini pastry shop in the Traditional Panettone category. For Cattive Compagnie we have tracked the ingredients and the production process on the blockchain.

The consumer, in fact, by framing the qr-code inserted in the label can see the raw materials used, the stages of the production process. The data contained in the cards are immutable, this is the guarantee offered by blockchain technology. The certified data, in fact, cannot be modified in any way at any time after the certification. For us who truly believe in the projects we work for, for us who test quality and carefully choose our Partners, the appointment of Bonfitt's Panettone Maximo 2021 was a great satisfaction. For you, however, who do not want to miss the opportunity to taste the Best Panettone of Lazio, you can order it here