"Progetti di Marca" is the title of the initiative of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to promote the contents of the ongoing projects supported by MIPAAF- EMFF 2014/2020 - Measure 5.66 Reg. (EU) 508/2014 which will want to talk about MARCA 2022 at the institutional stand C13, Hall 28, every afternoon starting at 3pm. MARCA BOLOGNA - HALL 28, STAND C13 Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 15:00 "UNIQUE, ITALIAN, TRUE": THE MUSSEL OF SCARDOVARI DOP PRESENTATION OF THE 2020 PRODUCTION AND MARKETING PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DOP CHAIN INTERVENE Cristiano Corazzari Councilor for Territory, Culture, Hunting and Fishing of the Veneto Region Roberto Pizzoli Mayor of the Municipality of Porto Tolle Paolo Mancin President of the Consortium for the Protection of Mussel of Scardovari PDO Mauro Rosati Qualivita Foundation Valentina Tepedino Eurofishmarket Virgilio Maretto places Marcello Leoni chef